Monday, January 25, 2010
Posted by: Syarif Tagok
Time: 1/25/2010 11:32:00 AM
Comments: 0
no links
I find that the previous post is somehow a little too much of details.
So i deleted some parts of it.


Saturday's friendly match with NYP was a great experience.
Getting my ass kicked is the best way for me to reflect & learn.


I'm so pissed with my maid.
She thinks she's the boss now since she's been long enough with us already.
Still wanna threaten me?
Bring it on.
I'm not afraid of you.


The part where i have to bare with all this aching pain.
It is so not nice.


I'm getting addicted to your voice.


I'm putting aside all my problems.
I'm putting aside all my pain.
Because i know,
I'm Happy


Saturday, January 23, 2010
Posted by: Syarif Tagok
Time: 1/23/2010 01:02:00 AM
Comments: 0

The biggest scar still remains the same.
While here i am preparing a new knife to have another deep cut.
I simply need more faith in these kind of feelings.

& still hate the fact when the close ones would simply notice it
easily while i simply dont realised how much strange im behaving lately.
All i could say was,
" I'm Okay "

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Posted by: Syarif Tagok
Time: 1/21/2010 12:21:00 AM
Comments: 0
I don't know~
Today i went to the school library.
Today is the longest time i spent at the school library as a Poly student.
No, i wasn't busy searching for books.
Neither was i flirting with any of the librarians.
Today i borrowed Twilight Blu Ray CD from the library.
So i spent 2 hours in the library watching Twilight movie.

I know, i'm so lagged behind, Twilight is so yesterday.
New Moon was out quite some time even.
But hey, guess what!
I'm not a fan of all this vampire story at all but i really did enjoyed watching the movie!
However, i still feel that Edward Cullen acting is kinda weird.
I don't know if Robert Patterson can't act properly or he's just doing what the director ask him to.
But i like the movie.
And oh, i really feel that Jacob looked like a freaking gay with that bloody long hair in Twilight.

The End


"Someone" simply have to stop me from enjoying my wonderful dream
for the past few days and ask me to wake up.
Kinda heart-breaking though, having to put aside my lovely msPillow and hit the shower.
But guess what, i've been coming to class quite early than before actually.
That's good!

& i kinda like having to hear the voice every morning actually.
It gives a good headstart for the day.

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Posted by: Syarif Tagok
Time: 1/17/2010 04:10:00 PM
Comments: 0
food is love


Saturday, January 16, 2010
Posted by: Syarif Tagok
Time: 1/16/2010 03:06:00 PM
Comments: 0
I can't breathe properly

Weekends are the only time we get to spent time teasing and laughing at each other.
Prrecious Family Time.


Prettiest Friend - Jason Mraz

" i wrote this for my prettiest friend
who while trying not to prove that i care
trying not to make all my moves in one motion and scare her away
well she can't see she's making me crazy now
i don't believe she knows she's amazing how
she has me holding my breathe
so i'd never guess that i'm a none such unsuitable, suitable for her

but if you ask me
the feeling that i'm feeling is complimentery
and oh it goes to show
the moral of the story is boy loves girl
and so on the way that it unfolds is yet to be told "

*bites lip*

Since yesterday morning.
I've never felt this bad before.
Entire body aching.
Too much painful.
That as if i've never had a body ache before.
I feel like vomiting.
I feel like i'm gonna collapsed anytime.
Oh well, i've been pretending way too much i guess.
Always trying hard to hide the pain.
That's the problem with me.

*opps, i blog about it anyway*

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Posted by: Syarif Tagok
Time: 1/05/2010 12:42:00 AM
Comments: 0
1st day
Back then when i was 6 years old plus.
1st day of Primary school.
Crying & begging dad not to leave me once we reached the school gate.
& because of that, THE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL was kind enough to fetch
lil Syarif from the school gate and bring him to the hall, for a week!
Yes, how special right? ^^
Just how shiny can a Primary 1 boy's forehead be huh?
Lol xD

Well i can't remember where's that schoolbag of mine is now.
High socks was the IN-thing.
The jendol still here to stay.
The orchids are obviously dead.
& that's 10 years ago!

^But as for these 2 darlings of mine.
Nelly & Qistina.
It's their turn now!
I hope my two lovely nieces enjoyed their 1st day of primary school.
They are way much brave & smart than i was.
I'm sure they didnt cry.
Because they promised me they won't.

How fast time flies right?
Oh yes,
hello Mr. 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010
Posted by: Syarif Tagok
Time: 1/04/2010 12:29:00 AM
Comments: 0
Sinetron msn
_* SYARIF *_ ♥ says:

[c=10]-=[cheekyzx]=- [/c] [c=4] ♥[/c] & he says, you're PERFECTLY fine to me, Awwwwwwwwww. says:
yes huney

_* SYARIF *_ ♥ says:
dont honey2 me please
you abandon me now you still wanna honey2 me

[c=10]-=[cheekyzx]=- [/c] [c=4] ♥[/c] & he says, you're PERFECTLY fine to me, Awwwwwwwwww. says:
i abandon you?!
busy with your drama silat and work and school!
huh! you tinggalkan i you cakap i macam gini lagi.
sampai hati you.

_* SYARIF *_ ♥ says:
i was busy with work n commitments. you were there busy with uncountable number of guys
how can i not be mad?!
i worked hard to earn money for us
and this is how you repay me?!

[c=10]-=[cheekyzx]=- [/c] [c=4] ♥[/c] & he says, you're PERFECTLY fine to me, Awwwwwwwwww. says:
you should be in my shoes to see the number of guys thats even contacting me please!
you were away.
where else can i turn to?
you were busy with wealth, money and your passion
till you forget your responsibilities at home.

_* SYARIF *_ ♥ says:
Come on shikin. Im trying my best to let you live with all the wealth i can give you

[c=10]-=[cheekyzx]=- [/c] [c=4] ♥[/c] & he says, you're PERFECTLY fine to me, Awwwwwwwwww. says:
im not asking for wealth.
all im asking is for you to be there for me.

_* SYARIF *_ ♥ says:
But i told you i needed some time to reach out for my dream
give me time
you didnt wait for me shikin

[c=10]-=[cheekyzx]=- [/c] [c=4] ♥[/c] & he says, you're PERFECTLY fine to me, Awwwwwwwwww. says:
shikin is time.
and time waits for no one anymore.

_* SYARIF *_ ♥ says:
thats it, we're done!

[c=10]-=[cheekyzx]=- [/c] [c=4] ♥[/c] & he says, you're PERFECTLY fine to me, Awwwwwwwwww. says:

_* SYARIF *_ ♥ says:

[c=10]-=[cheekyzx]=- [/c] [c=4] ♥[/c] & he says, you're PERFECTLY fine to me, Awwwwwwwwww. says:
im sorry baby... you're just not the guy i knew and Love anymore..
i have to leave..

_* SYARIF *_ ♥ says:
i thought you're just the right girl that'll always be by my side.
I was wrong
How stupid can i be

[c=10]-=[cheekyzx]=- [/c] [c=4] ♥[/c] & he says, you're PERFECTLY fine to me, Awwwwwwwwww. says:
i was stupid to have wait for you till now.
im leaving and im not coming back.
we're over.

_* SYARIF *_ ♥ says:
Leave. & dont come back!
I hate myself for loving you all this while
I hate you!

[c=10]-=[cheekyzx]=- [/c] [c=4] ♥[/c] & he says, you're PERFECTLY fine to me, Awwwwwwwwww. says:
and i hate you more. for leaving me like that.
you will never, ever be part of my living memory.

_* SYARIF *_ ♥ says:
Great! Finally we agree on something!

& They Split.

Syarif Tagok ♥
& I welcome you with a :)
So be nice please.

Shall sign up for Twitter soon :)

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So Start Thinking