Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Posted by: Syarif Tagok
Time: 3/03/2010 07:28:00 PM
Comments: 0
i can't forget
Rindukan Waktu Dulu, Berlalu

Hanya sesaat
detik terhenti itulah
keindahan madah.

Hanya seketika itu
tertera yang dirindu
mendakap ingatan
dan kasih.

Tak mungkin diulang
tak mungkin dikecapi lagi.

by Abdul Ghani Hamid

Longing For Lost Time, It Passed

Just for a second
when time stops
its fragrance
beauty of a poem.

Just that moment
your love appears
hugging memories
and affectionate.

It won't recur
won't be felt again.

translated by Isa Kamari

Syarif Tagok ♥
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So be nice please.

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